Last week we received a package by snail-mail from our new partner. Like an early Christmas present.
It was the four pair of nice leather shoes in different styles and shapes that we have chosen from Catarina Martins Winter -10 collection. Beautiful!
Which shoe belongs which Calaisa member?
Ok sounds like a fun game,let´s have a crack at it!
The long brown one = Anna
The black one whith the tag still on = Caisa
The other black one = Malin
And the one left goes to Lisa
Hm... you seem to know us quite well Dalton. But you're not totally right.
The long brown is Malin's and the short black without tag is Anna's. But I mean we're sisters and almost the same... so good work.
Tusan!! Skulle inte ha vänt på de tvenne trots allt då :(
Men nästa gång då,då j vlar sitter den!
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