Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Macho Psycho
Second day of our songwriting session in Gothenburg. We're working with Robin and Niklas that makes Macho Psycho. Yesterday we wrote a song that we are recording today. We have also started thinking of lyrics to a second song. Don't know if we have time to finish that one today, but if I stop bloging and start working maybe it's possible!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Fick just en liten inspirations-boost av Annika Norlin i "dom kallar oss artister".
Hon gjorde bla en video i en enda lång tagning. Det kanske kunde vara nåt för oss. Vi har ju bara gjort videos på det traditionella viset, i många tagningar från en massa olika vinklar och på en massa olika platser. LÅNGA och jobbiga filmningsdagar för 3-4 minuters video. Entagnings-videos sätter lite press på bandet också, eftersom man måste sätta allt på en och samma gång, allihop.
Videon till "We sing the same song" kan i och för sig inte kallas traditionell.
Då stod vi med lera upp till höfterna i en göl någonstans i Skåne i typ Mars. Det slutade dessutom med att vi brottades i leran och fick en spann iskallt vatten över oss. Ganska spännande session ändå faktiskt, och minnesvärd.
En annan bra en-tagnings-video är den här med Feist:
Annika Norlin höll också i programmet på att översätta sina låtar till Engelska.
Det roliga är att vi en gång har gjort en tolkning på en av hennes låtar, på engelska. Fast då visste vi först inte att det var hennes låt, utan trodde att det var "the Animal 5" som skrivit den.
Vi var tillfrågade att vara med på deras releasefest och tillsammans med en massa andra musiker tolka deras låtar. Vi valde "We're going to die at the same time you and I" som alltså visade sig vara en översatt Annika Norlin-låt. Mycket bra låt och mycket bra översättning!
På en spelning i Göteborg några månader senare fick vi feeling och spelade låten som extranummer, fast då hade vi nästan glömt den, så det var kanske inte det bästa vi gjort, men det var kul!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Song List
Skype skype, that is where we meet. Today a little later since we had to watch Solsidan first.
Topic on todays meeting; a reference list for our songwriting session in 2 weeks.
We are writing with 2 guys in Gothenburg that are supposed to be good at writing hits :) and we are making a little list of song that represent the kind of songs we would like to write with them.
Good easy hits.
Feel free to add more songs to our list!
Calaisa inspiration
Topic on todays meeting; a reference list for our songwriting session in 2 weeks.
We are writing with 2 guys in Gothenburg that are supposed to be good at writing hits :) and we are making a little list of song that represent the kind of songs we would like to write with them.
Good easy hits.
Feel free to add more songs to our list!
Calaisa inspiration
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Calaisa has expanded
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Calaisa cooking
Besides music Calaisa have one more big love... Food!
It's probably quite obvious since we always mention food o drinks in our blog posts.
When we work in the studio for longer periods it becomes both boring and bad for us to order in food all the time, so we cook.
During our 3 months in Nashville at an apartment hotel, our 6 months in Tambourine Studios, our many rehearsals and our time in London we have developed into really good chefs, you could also say we have developed a certain style of cooking based on our four different tastes;
Caisa doesn't eat fish but loves spicy food
Lisa doesn't always eat meat, but loves fish
Malin doesn't eat very spicy food, but loves meat
Anna doesn't eat horseradish, but loves seafood
It's a bit of a challenge, but it certainly forces the creativity. Soups and Salads is our main dishes.
(We all have a thing for Halloumi cheese at the moment.)
Last week Malin did what we have all wanted to do since we started to play together. She visited a cooking show. Listen and try her recepie at:
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