Monday, December 28, 2009


Den 30/12 kl 20.00 är Calaisa med och firar årets eldsjälar i TV4.
Så på med TV:n!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thank you

for all your Grammis votes!
Now we can only wait and see if we're among those five artists that get to go to Stockholm on Jan 15.

Today we're rehearsing Christmas songs before the Christmas sing along show at Debaser on Wednesday. Together with some other artists we will try to give you the perfect Christmas feeling. Come and sing with us!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Calaisa "Grafton street" has been nominated for a Grammy in the category Best Pop album at the Swedish Grammy Awards 2010.
There are 10 artists in the category and it's up to you to decide who's gonna get it.
Help us by visiting the Grammy site and vote for us. Spread the word!