We're exhausted after many hours of promotion.
Our day started at 9.15 this morning with Sydsvenskan, and went on and on and on and on. It's not so much spending a whole day with different journalists, which can actually be really nice, it's more the fact that you get sooo tired of hearing your own voice saying the same thing over and over again. It's a good thing there's four of us so that we can split up and take a break a little now and then.
After the interviews we went to Annica at "Ninii" to pick up some clothes that we are going to use these coming weeks. We have used Ninii clothes before on some of our photo shoots and like the design very much. Now we needed some cool new stuff to put on, because we have a lot of promotion ahead of us, and it's always nice to look good. At Ninii we also met Helena from "Littel Green Story" who provided us with some ecological t-shirts, so now we're fit for fight.
This weekend we drove to Karlskrona to rehears our show before the two release parties and our gigs in TV. Our sound engineer and one of our drummers, are based in Karlskrona, and we found that reason enough to go visit the beautiful east coast, have a barbecue and hang out.
It was such a nice feeling being back in the rehearsal room and work with the songs outside the studio. We worked the whole day and ended up with real nice live versions of each song.
On this production rehearsal we focused on the 6 songs we are going to be playing now.
In June we will have another big rehearsal and work out a full consert for this summer's gigs.
Check out:Lanz i P4 Friday 11.00
Nyhetsmorgon Sunday
Releasparty at "Lilla Hotellbaren", Stockholm Monday 25/5 7.00 pm
Releaseparty at "Operagrillen", Malmö Thursday 28/5 8.30 pm