We are out of the studio, for real and for a long time now.
As a matter of fact it's not even available anymore, there's a new band recording... in our studio, with our producer, sitting in our chairs, drinking our coffee!
A bit sad actually. We have become used to going to work at Tambourine every day, and now that we are done, we are a bit confused. Not that we don't have work to do, because we do! Trust me! There's a lot of things to be done when you're starting your own record company, releasing your first album on your own.
During the last couple of weeks we have had to decide on many things; cover-picture, what song that should be the first single, how many songs on the album, the name of the album, titles for each song (not always given), and then I'm not even mentioning the technical stuff that comes with a release, like the legal things, and all the strange codes you need.
Even though we are out of the studio we still aren't totally done with the record. There are still one more song to be mixed by Michael Ilbert in Berlin. The second last one just arrived on e-mail, we have listened to it, got back to him with our opinions, and will probably have a second version very soon.
On Thursday the 10 songs will be mastered in Stockholm, which makes the creative part of the record done. So by then we have to agree on a sequence.
This is not an easy task. It has to feel totally right going from one song to another, tempo-wise, key-wise and mode-wise. We have had 7 different suggestions, but are now down to 2.
The release date is still set for May 27, and the single will go to radio in the middle of April.
Before that; a video, getting the booklet finished with pictures, lyrics, credits and thanks, and last but not least manufacturing the physical CD. Then we will have the treasure in our hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to hit the roads and start playing the songs!