Friday, November 21, 2008

Farewell L.A

We're back in cold, dark and snowy Malmö, after 2 very productive and nice weeks in the states.

With us home we have 6 new great songs and a bunch of new friends (they didn't actually come with us home, but they're in our hearts)
Hopefully we will return really soon to our new second city.

This is our trip sumerized in a few pictures

Dinner with Meg and Maia at Boa

Recording one of our songs at Mike's place

Songwriting sessions with:

Michelle Lewis and Michael Daly

Charlton Pettus

Recording harmonies

Malin and Maia

Relaxing at Venice Beach

Calaisa featuring Maia Sharp, at Genghis Cohen

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ben Folds rocks!

Went to an inspiring concert yesterday at the Wiltern. Ben Folds is such a musical genius! Great show, and he played many of our favourite songs, even from the Ben Folds Five records.

Today we're at Michael Daly's studio writing a song. At the moment we're short of half a verse, a pre-chorus and a bridge, but it feels like we're on to something, and the song should be finished soon.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Working in L.A.

The jet lag is finally starting to give in.
Our second day here we tried to go to a concert at the Baked Potato. We went there a little earlier to get a good table and something to eat, and 1 hour before the band started playing we were so tired we could hardly sit up. After one set we just had to sneak out and drive home.
It's so sad being tired in the evenings, when you travel 9 hours in the other direction you get tired in the mornings, and that's ok because you're used to that anyway, but as a musician you need to function in the evenings.

We played yesterday at the Hotel Café! It was nice to try some of our new songs, and we did pretty good, except for one song;
The stage was so small and we had to squeeze in to fit with all our instruments. During the 3rd song Lisas's mandolin fell on the floor and re-tuned itself. We didn't notice and started to play next song, with mandolin. It sounded a bit strange :)
Other than that it went well, being our first gig ever in L.A.
We have now started to build our fan base here.
Maia Sharp joined us on stage for two of the songs, "You are mine" that she wrote, and "Awakening" that we wrote together. It was even more crowded, but really nice. She is such a great musician and songwriter!

Next Tuesday we have another gig, at Gengis Cohen.

Today we went to Maia's place to have our first songwriting session in L.A. We will work with Maia now for 4 days, and hope it will go just as good as last time. After today we already have one and a half new songs, so it looks like it!

Now the jet lag is starting to kick in... or is it pure exhaustion...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Finally here!

After a long trip we are finally in huge, nice and warm California!
Our first day we spent at the Ibanez office in Sun Valley, recording a little film about us and playing a few songs.
Now we're just relaxing by the pool. Tomorrow video shoot and on Sunday gig!

We'll keep you updated

A paus in the Ibanez interview

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Frustration and travel-nervousness

It's now only 1 day left before we board the plane that will take us to Los Angeles!
As always everything seems to pile up in the end, and no matter how hard we have worked we still didn't reach everything we had hoped for before the trip.
We had an unrealistic dream of being almost ready with the 10 songs we have started recording at Tambourine. But in the creative process things have to be allowed to take time, and so it does. We have gotten far with the album, but still there is so much more to do before the ultimate result is obtained. Somehow when you feel you are close on something great, you don't want to show it to people before you've finished it.

Anyway, a lot of things had to be done, not only musically, before we went to L.A, and all of them weren't done today when we met at the rehearsal room.
After a fierce discussion about how to deal with things, and who should and who shouldn't do what, we decided to let go and just play. As long as we know the musical part and can do a good concert, the rest will work itself out.
Our aim is to be able to play at least 5 of our new songs on the gig at "Hotel Café" on Sunday, and tomorrow night we will hopefully and probably be totally prepared to go to the US.

Very exiting to go to USA two days after the election! We, like everyone else in the world, are following the results tonight with curiosity.