The recording of the backgrounds is like vacation compared to this; you just go into the recording room together and jam till it sounds cool.
When it comes to the singing you are all alone, at least that’s how it feels when you go into the recording room and Per says: try to change the melody and rhythm a little, improvise... and you throw yourself down the slope and start to wail around.
Half of the times it sounds really entertaining for those who sits in the control room, but a lot of good stuff also comes out.
When you are done you are totally exhausted.
Those of you who are familiar with Per Sunding know that he is a well known and recognized producer, with a special proficiency in coaching singing. It’s really amazing how much he can make us and our voices do. When you have done your own interpretation of a song, and think that you can’t do it better, you haven’t even started. Per inspires us to stretch and bend and turn every phrase and sentence, and the result is great.
We really feel like we’re developing as musicians and singers.
Today Caisa stayed in bed because of the usual cold, that afflicts everyone. The other three of us have managed to stay well, knock on wood.
Tomorrow… more singing and challenges!