Bengt is done with his job, what a great drummer he is! and Calaisa and Per will probably spend this week going through everything we recorded last week, and find the best versions. At least that's what we've been doing today.
We started with the last song we recorded, "I'm not afraid" (working title), a song written a few years ago, that has stayed with us.
Wednesday evening last week we stuck around in the studio, only the four of us, to jam a little on drums, bas, electric guitar and acoustic guitar, and happened to create a nice version of the song, which Per and we liked so much that we recorded it on the Friday.
This time Anna played the drums herself, without Malin's help, so still no more funny drum videos. :)
Malin took the electric guitar instead, Lisa the acoustic, and Caisa the bas.
It feels really good when we can sit together in one room and record the whole background together. There is a certain thrill when you work like that, because the sound is dependent on everyone to play tight and correct at the same time. If you make a mistake, you ruin it for everyone, and you all have to do the whole song again.
On our last album we also recorded the backgrounds together at the same time, but in separate rooms, so that if you did a mistake you could just correct it in another take, without the others being affected.
This new way might take longer, but the result is very sincere recordings with a nerve, and we kind of like that.
Hopefully by the end of this week we can start recording some vocals, fiddle and other overdubs.